Field Services
Field Services
Free up your maintenance personnel.
Technical support, complete “turnkey” installation, or anything in between, our field service staff is here to help you.
You can trust our years of experience installing countless drive systems and motors.
We offer OSHA trained personnel that make an excellent resource to supplement your existing maintenance team. Get the specialized service you expect from Matlock.
“Our customers need to maintain the reliability of their equipment to ensure profitability, that’s why our experienced field service staff is here to help.”

What You Can Expect
- 24 hour emergency breakdown service
- Inventory asset management
- Motor repair, installation & troubleshooting
- Baker AWA surge testing
- PDMA testing
- Vibration analysis
- Laser alignment
- Ultrasonic lubrication consulting
- Onsite equipment balancing
- Infrared thermography
- Onsite motor repair & onsite winding
- Onsite gearbox seal/bearing replacement
- Motor removal and reinstallation
- DC & AC drive repair & troubleshooting
- DC motor brush inspections
- Application and reliability consultation
- Shaft volt testing